15. It is forbidden to upload the data containing violence or any other data which contains information of any type or form the protection, the storage or distribution of which is forbidden by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, which violates moral or ethic norms, and rights and legitimate interests of third persons. SEXTGEM Service Provider has a right to take any legal measures against those people who, at the discretion of SEXTGEM Service Provider, have violated this provision. Examples of information and data which are forbidden to upload on SEXTGEM website are indicated below:

15.1. offensive, inciting hatred by reference to race, sex, religion, language, political views, origin, social state or on any grounds inciting psychological or physical coercion against any people or group of people;

15.2. sexual services, violent, coercive actions are promoted;

15.3. data which infringe the right to privacy;

15.4. information promoting illegal actions, criminal activities of any type, other violations of law as well as behaviour which is offensive, threatening, defamatory or indecent;

15.5. information inciting war crimes;

15.6. information promoting attempting on the independence of the state of Lithuania, on its territorial integrity and constitutional order;

15.7. information which is defamatory, offensive and humiliating other people’s honour and dignity;

15.8. information which promotes bad habits, use of alcoholic, narcotic, toxic, psychotropic substances;

15.9. illegal copies of copyright work of other people, pirated software or links to them;

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